“The school itself shall be made a genuine form of active community life instead of a place set apart in which to learn lessons." - John Dewey, The School and Society What does it take to turn a hands-on experience into a meaningful lesson? Experiential learning...
fifth grade
Curriculum Spotlight: Social Studies & Service Learning
Learn more about our Lower School curriculum in our new blog series! First, we're diving into Willow's social studies program from grades Preschool to Grade 5. Our social studies curriculum is deeply connected to our school's mission, which emphasizes the importance...
The Common App Essay & Genius Hour
Earlier this year, The Common Application, used by more than 800 colleges and universities, announced their seven 2019-20 essay prompts. Number six on the list is an essay question introduced last year: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it...
When I Was Younger: A 5th Grade Memoir
In fifth grade this year, Willow students read memoirs and wrote their own, reflecting on their year. Willow fifth grader Sam wrote this touching memoir about transitioning from his old school to Willow this year: When I was younger in fifth grade, I kept to myself. I...